Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Super Happy Fun Time News

So I'm pretty stoked... I was searching around on Craigslist for prospective job opportunities for when I return home and came across a listing for a retouching internship about an hour away from my house. So I open it up thinking "Oh, hey... I can retouch things... I enjoy that."

And then, BOOM! There it is, smacking me in the face. "Magnum photographer Steve McCurry has an internship position available" ... Wait I know that name...BOOM!


Oh, who's he?


Know him now?

The guy's all kinds of famous and awesome and I've got an interview for an internship at his Studio in Exton, PA.

Pretty exciting stuff... Sorry, I can't quite contain myself.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Final Series Update

In my last post I was left without an idea for my final series of images for class. I've gone the digital route and started to create double exposures via photoshop using nude studies and organic subject matter from nature.

Here's a little preview

Monday, April 16, 2012

Photosynthesis Fail

As some of you may know I've been trying to work on a photographic process deemed chlorophyll printing. The process is done by printing a positive image onto transparency paper and placing it on top of leaves or grass, anything with chlorophyll and capable of photosynthesis. The two are then sandwiched between glass and left out in the sun for days and sometimes up to several weeks. The result is the image printed onto the leaf through the process of photosynthesis. The dark areas of the positive block out the light revealing dark spots and vice verse with the light areas, hence why a positive must be used.

Binh Dahn, a California based artist, is most famous and quite possibly the creator of this process.

However, I've run into quite a few problems. The biggest issue was searching for large enough and appropriate leaves to use, since the leaves on the trees here haven't quite sprouted yet. Secondly, the leaves that I have tried (such as spinach and rhododendron leaves) either became to brittle and soggy or simply were too dark for the process. Thirdly, I underestimated the amount of time and sun that this process truly takes. And lastly. The forecast is calling for a week of rain starting Saturday. So, I guess this is me temporarily putting a halt on this idea of mine until a better time such as the summer.

So this leaves me with a predicament, what alternative process images am I going to create within 11days...

I guess I need to do some researching, again.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Ever since I was introduced to Kickstarter I thought that it was the most remarkable website for creative professionals to get their ideas out and gain support and backing from thousands of people worldwide. I constantly think about creating a kickstarter project, but I can never quite think of what I would really do... It's a constant search within me to come up with something worthy of peoples funding.

Here's just a couple videos that I've watched recently that struck me.

This pretty much made me want to cry. It's eerily beautiful.


And this one which really started to get me thinking that I too could raise money... This guy does some very similar work as I do. Just thought it was pretty interesting, and he was backed $8,100 for his project.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Silver & Light

Photographer Ian Ruhter took his life savings and invested in a delivery truck which he converted into a giant camera. If that wasn't cool enough the dude is making giant wet plate collodion prints for his negatives on this mammoth camera.

Wet plate is a tricky process. It's expensive and requires a plate to be coated in silver nitrate, and then sensitized, exposed with his truckcamera and then developed all in under less than 15minutes which is generally how long it takes for the plate to dry out. The process was invented in the 1800s and has really faded away due to it's difficulty and cost. It cost's Ruhter $500 to create just one image.

Watch the video below!

found on BOOOOOOOM!