Binh Dahn, a California based artist, is most famous and quite possibly the creator of this process.
However, I've run into quite a few problems. The biggest issue was searching for large enough and appropriate leaves to use, since the leaves on the trees here haven't quite sprouted yet. Secondly, the leaves that I have tried (such as spinach and rhododendron leaves) either became to brittle and soggy or simply were too dark for the process. Thirdly, I underestimated the amount of time and sun that this process truly takes. And lastly. The forecast is calling for a week of rain starting Saturday. So, I guess this is me temporarily putting a halt on this idea of mine until a better time such as the summer.
So this leaves me with a predicament, what alternative process images am I going to create within 11days...
I guess I need to do some researching, again.
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