Saturday, April 14, 2012


Ever since I was introduced to Kickstarter I thought that it was the most remarkable website for creative professionals to get their ideas out and gain support and backing from thousands of people worldwide. I constantly think about creating a kickstarter project, but I can never quite think of what I would really do... It's a constant search within me to come up with something worthy of peoples funding.

Here's just a couple videos that I've watched recently that struck me.

This pretty much made me want to cry. It's eerily beautiful.

And this one which really started to get me thinking that I too could raise money... This guy does some very similar work as I do. Just thought it was pretty interesting, and he was backed $8,100 for his project.

1 comment:

  1. I have such mixed feelings about the cry project. On the one hand, I'm like wow that's awesome because most people can't stand for others to see them cry. It is a very vulnerable place to be in and I admire her for being able to take photos of herself in that state for millions of people to see. It's also very smart because I feel like as photographers we all want our photographs to convey a feeling (all of the best ones do) and hers definitely achieve that. However, the only reason I am conflicted is because it feels kind of fake to me. The emotion and her facial expressions are real, but she is causing herself to do it. It isn't just a spontaneous moment. It is posed. But then again, we pose people for photographs all the time. I don't even know, just something about it bothers me a little but I can't really pinpoint it haha.
    Anyway...I had never even heard of kickstarter but it seems really awesome. It's perfect for your fine art style. I think you should totally go for it! Just put something out there and see what happens!
